To build the right website is more than just adding some HTML code and a nice picture.
If the website shall meet be the right tool for marketing, sales, information, support... it has to be well implemented.
A website built by abcOnline-CMS is a process where most of the time is spent on finding out what the purpose of the website shall be, and how this can best be implemented.
Compared to other tools, abcOnline-CMS lets you build the framework, place the modules, update the content within a few hours - and for this ease and to have a software that is already installed and always updated, the customer pays a license and hosting fee.
In addition you have to pay for the time that our partner spends to discuss, guide and implement a solution that fits your needs. This includes:
When you want a website built with abcOnline-CMS, you will get an individual offer based on what you need, be it a small site to get started, or a site that has all the e-marketing tools for your business.
And the price range for such a solution, would typically be from about 1.800 € to 10.000 €, for the work and 3 years software fees and hosting.